Sunday, January 22, 2012

Emergency! Emergency!

What will you do when all hope is lost? Will you curse God or praise His holy name? It is not if trouble will come but when! God created man to be a joy to Him but the devil lured man to sin and forever changed what God meant for joy to the perverted existence we call life! We like to think we are in control but the truth is, God is! He allows us to make choices and we are stuck with the consequences these self- made choices bring. This my friend is why a close relationship with Christ is imperative to our making correct choices. We have His word as a guide to living life. I must admit, I too am guilty of not being receptive enough to God's word. I am guilty of not enough prayer. I am guilty of not enough waiting for God's answer and direction. Today I went to be with my dear sister's family. She is in ICU, in stable but dire condition. Her family truly shows the love and faith in Christ as the great healer. Truly resting in the arms of Christ the great comforter! And fully knowing that our true home is with God the Father! As I looked around at the families in such distress, I could not help but think how wonderful the love of Christ is. He holds us in every circumstance if we but bow before His throne of grace. There are many instances of Christ being an encourager but I love this verse because it lets us know that all is not lost. We can come boldly before His throne and He does hear our every prayer!
James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Christ came to heal the sick! He performed many miracles of healing but the most important miracle of all is the salvation He has bought with His blood atonement. For without His gift, we would be doomed to an eternity of damnation.
The definition of damnation: Everlasting punishment
O Precious Lord, I ask for mercy for all the ones who are suffering and peace for the families who have to bear the uncertainty of life and death. May all come to the realization that You bring eternal life to Your chosen people through Your precious Son. Amen

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