“In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.”
Why does God want us to be conformed to the image of His Son? When God created Adam and Eve, He created them in His image, to know, worship, and fellowship with Him. After that image was marred, Jesus came to Earth and endured the cross to restore that image. He does this by regeneration when we’re saved and receive the Holy Spirit. And then He does it by sanctification, as we’re being made more like the Lord Jesus Christ. Then, one day, when Jesus comes in glorification, we will be made just like Him fully.
Do you want to know how you’re doing in your Christian life? Are you becoming more like Jesus? That’s it. Not, are you becoming a better Baptist? Not, are you happy? The question is, are you having God’s purpose being fulfilled in you by becoming more like Jesus? God is not primarily concerned about making you healthy, wealthy, or popular. God’s plan is that you be more like the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, if these other blessings of health and wealth come, thank God, and serve Him with it but that’s not His purpose for you. Many worry, “What if God’s purpose in me is not fulfilled?” It will be fulfilled. Bank on it. You are made to look like Jesus. Just let Him work on your heart and be open to His change in you.
Where are some places you do not look like Jesus? How can you surrender those areas to God and invite Him to make you more like Jesus?
Who are some people who keep you accountable for pursuing growth in Jesus? How willing are you to accept their feedback and honesty?
Ask a trusted brother or sister how he or she sees you reflecting Christ and also about areas where you need growth. Ask your friend to pray with you for that change to take place.
LWF Dr. Adrian Rogers
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