Saturday, September 28, 2024

Are You Thankful or Worried?

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” 




We all need to reflect on the Lord’s provision. If you ask God for more and don’t thank Him for what He’s already done, I doubt your prayers will be answered in the way you hope. Did you know that there’s no higher expression of faith than thanksgiving? And worry is the highest expression of unbelief. It is time to refuse to worry. We can tell God about our worries but thank Him for what He has done and for what He’s already planning to do.

Look at the Apostle Paul. He encouraged a spirit of thanksgiving when he was in a slimy dungeon. Why? Because of the blessing that he had. Sometimes we just have to put things into perspective. We get to feeling sorry for ourselves, and we fail to understand the blessings of God. The word “think” and the word “thank” are related.

Unthankful people are always unhappy people. And some people are grumbly hateful rather than being humbly grateful. I think we’ve all met them. They are filled with bitterness, fear, negativity, selfishness, and self-pity. But we don't take things for granted, we take them with gratitude. If you are in a dungeon, thank Him for your spiritual blessings. If you are in a dungeon, thank Him for the simple blessings. Rejoice in the presence of the Lord; rely on the power of the Lord; and reflect on the provision of the Lord.

What has God provided for you that you often take for granted?

What is an area of life where you struggle to see the blessings of God?


Lift up to God your gratitude and worries in prayer.

LWF Dr. Adrian Rogers

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